Iterations of the “Eternal”-series (circular, pastel-drawings made in very few, selected nuances, which I began in 2017) have been rendered in various scales, sequentially differentiated by roman numerals. Eternal XIV, 2021), defines the largest scale in the series (diameter 60 in / 150 cm). This one has s a dark blue tone - and is in company with only one other in same color and size (Eternal VI, 2018) located in Norway, currently on view at Utstein Kloster Hotel. Eternal XIV, 2021, was commissioned by NYU Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music in 2019.
«The circle that is Eternal XIV, 2021 takes up a great deal of physical space. When framed it almost becomes a sculpture, a statement of scale and presence. At the same time, it also provides an immaterial negative space; serving as an entrance, a portal, a to a place to glimpse and contemplate what may lie ahead.» - (excerpt from the NYU statement). For more photos, please click here.
Photo: Devyn Nunes